Here are some Acupressure points that can help if you feel tense and have a sore or tight back. You can choose which one suits best and hold it, usually the pressure is light unless I stated otherwise, hold for 1-3 minutes, you may feel a pulse in your finger or if you prefer you can just massage the point slowly.
Acupressure is part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and just like Acupuncture works on different Meridians to free up blocked energy bringing health and balance back into the body. As acupressure is lighter it is advised to treat the points several times during the day
Location: in height of waist line, 1,5 and 3 cm from spine
Benefits: lower back pain, chronic fatigue, fear, kidney problems, rejuvenates and strengthens internal and reproductive organs
Location: middle of back of knee
Benefits: back pain, stiffness & spasm, sciatica, knee pain,
restless legs, arthritis in knee, back, hips
Location: underneath outside ankle bone
Benefits: back, ankle and heel pain, sciatica, headaches,
epilepsy, hypertension, dizziness
Location: underneath knee between leg bone and muscle
Benefits: muscular tension, aches, spasms and strains,
neuromuscular issues, back pain, knee problems,
shin splints, headaches, stomach aches, constipation, fear, overall yang conditions
GB 29:
Location: halfway between top of the hip bone and leg
Benefits: sciatica, shoulder and back pain, strengthens lower
back, helps pelvis/hip problems, irritability, frustration
Stay safe and calm!
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