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Energy Healings & Clearings

NEW: Light Body Activation with the Sword of Light $111

The Swords of Light are imprinted with 425 power crystals, water from 92 sacred sites around the world including the Ganges river and Mother Mary Spring at Lourdes. Holding the high vibration of the 5th dimension light and love energy. These amazing healing tools are created by Tom Ledder that is currently touring Australia and holding workshops. 

Using the Sword and a special technique I will clear and balance your Chakras and then activate your Light Body, raising your vibration so you to can hold more light. Truly a unique and amazing experience.

Quick Release Energy Clearing & Healing 15 mins $27 - via Zoom or Distance
this is a quick energy reset like my energy clearings

*releases negative energies

* release EMF symptoms

*raises your vibration

*letting go of all that no longer serves you or holds you back

*shifting into the highest soul potential

In Person Energy Healing & Clearing

prorated at $111/hr

You can choose from different Healing modalities like Reiki with crystals, sacred geometric tools or sound or a Clearing and Balancing to transform your energy, thoughts and emotions that keep you stuck in old patterns and unable to truly change your life. It balances and transforms your energy from negative to positive vibration and releases blocked emotions from your heart-centre that keep you stuck and prevent you moving forward.

I often use muscle testing (kinesiology) to find out what needs to be worked on.  Muscle testing connects to your inner truth and subconscious mind where many of our beliefs lie. which often were formed in early childhood so these beliefs may be outdated or prevent us from moving on, Self Sabotage patterns are formed. Once these beliefs or patterns are revealed we can clear them.


Past hurts, shock, and emotions can build up a wall around your heart and - even though you may have worked on yourself and try to stop negative thinking - anything can trigger these old wounds and your self-protection mechanism.

Depending on your specific needs, a session may also include other techniques like Guided Meditation, Chakra balancing, Akashic Records Healing, etc.  

Distance Energy Clearing & Balancing
Session times may vary $88
Business Energy Clearing also available

Each healing is session is different and I will work on what comes through as needing to be worked on for you or if you have a certain topic or goal we will aim for that.


Unless the session is face to face via chat or zoom I will send you a report of your session with details of your healing


Some Topics that I will work on however it is very individual and depends on what you want to focus on and on what guidance comes through for you that needs to be worked on:

  • Blocked emotions clearing/healing

  • Meridian balancing

  • Toxin/Heavy metal clearing

  • Past life or Ancestral issues

  • Pain or Discomfort in the body

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Energy Balancing

  • Chakra/aura clearing/balancing

  • Land or House cleansing

An Energy Clearing is for you if you want to:

  • release old stagnant energy

  • raise your vibration & awareness

  • release karmic and ancestral burdens

  • remove blocks and anything that is holding you back

  • improve health & wellbeing

  • increase protection

  • hold more light in your body

  • connect more to your guides 


sometimes you can feel the effect right away sometimes it may take a few weeks to release and shift the energy

Animal and House/Land clearings available $65


Shamanic Soul and/or Animal Guide Retrieval
Session Times may vary $88

Soul Retrieval is a shamanic healing Technique. Shamans believe that part of our soul can be lost due to trauma, physical, emotional or mental abuse, illness or any negative event that has impacted us. Loosing part of our soul is like a self protective mechanism from our subconscious as to protect us from the pain. Unfortunately if many pieces of our soul splinter off it can have a negative impact on our daily lives. It can cause anxiety and depression even personality disorders as the person feels like something is wrong or missing. These people tend to feel stuck in their lives  and empty inside. Returning the lost soul parts to them means they can move forward and  recover.

Animal Guide or Animal Spirit Retrieval is really about bringing back your Power Animal. Spirit Animals is a big thing in the culture of the American Indians. They believed if a person lost their Power Animal they would become sick, depressed, die or incur constant bad luck. For some people this healing can mean finding out what their Power Animal or Guide is. For others it will reconnect them to their Power Animal or Guide or sometimes they just connect to the Animal that will guide them through a certain phase of their life

Depending on your specific needs, a session may also include other techniques like Reiki, Crystals and Sound 

In person  or via Distance healing and by appointment only

Akashic Records Healing
One distance session: $88

The Akashic Records are also called the book of life, and whilst some events can't be changed, vows or contracts from past lives can be cleared and healed. If you're experiencing misfortune, obstacles, unhappiness, etc, you may have a past life contract impacting on your life now.  Let me help you clear and heal these issues so you can lead the life you are meant to live.

Or maybe you just want some guidance of your souls pathway or soul gifts in this lifetime. I can help you connect and find your mission

Session via absent healing or zoom/messenger chat 

New Earth Energy Healing
prorated $111 per hr

is a hands on method similar to Reiki but unlike Reiki where the energy flows where its needed, I connect with your body by holding space and listening, allowing your body to reconnecting to its own self healing ability and raise its vibrations and your awareness in order to allow transformation of your energy and supporting your sacred empowerment to take place.


This helps to releasing any emotions, traumas held in the cells in order to create more ease and health in your life and body.

shift out of the old paradigm and enter the new earth consciousness one shift at a time.


also available as a course, please check under the Energy healing Workshop page

Healy Frequency Healings - Distance only

1, Aura Analysis Scan with 2 weeks of Frequency Healing $77 normally $99

scans your Aura and Chakras and reveals areas that need to be worked on for you to reach your true potential, can show past live, karmic or ancestral issues and blocks, and send harmonizing frequencies to set you on the way to reaching your dreams. Yo will receive a copy of your scan with an Aura Picture (head only)


2, Soul Cycle scan with 2 weeks of Frequency Healing $77 normally $99

This program will help to reconnect you with your soul and bring calm and peace into your being whilst helping you to reach your full potential. Specific areas are: burden, acceptance, emotions, inner balance, aura pure, confidence, self confidence, happy, stimulation, power reserve and energy balance. Receive your own individualists energy healing on a daily basis! 


3, Coaching Modules Scan with 2 weeks of Frequencies $77 normally $99

want to find out what is blocking you from reaching your Goals? This scan will reveal those blocks and send harmonizing frequencies to set you on the way to reaching your dreams


4. Ancestral Healing with Frequencies $77 for 2 weeks normally $99

heal and release any wounds, trauma, curses, burdens, beliefs that you carry in your DNA and cellular memory for yourself and your genetic lineage that will flow into future generations with this special frequenciy program that i will run for 1 hr daily for 5 weeks.

Free yourself from energies and dynamics that are holding you back from living the life you are meant to live.


5, Manifest Abundance with Frequencies $77 for 2 weeks normally $99

this special program contains frequencies to clear emotional issues and karmic patterns you hold around money and Self worth as well as  frequencies to heal the Root chakra so that you can feel safe and supported, I will run the program for 90 min daily for 4 weeks


6, Special Frequency Programs for Neck, Shoulder and/or Bone spurs $77 for 2 weeks normally $99

these frequencies work on regenerating and resolving issues with bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, soft tissue, nerves etc in the area. I will run the program for 90mins daily for 4 weeks

Tips on how to raise your vibration: 

being surrounded by toxins and negative energy be it from the air, our environment, processed foods, low vibrational emotions what can you do to help your body detox and raise your vibration?


1, hydrate which good pure water and in most cases that is not tap water, I realize bottled water has issues as well but investing in a good water filter is almost a must

2, sweating/exercising this will help stimulate the lymphatic system and help eliminate waste from our cells

3, body scrubs monthly will also aid the lymphatic system as our skin is on e of the biggest eliminators of waste as well

4, Red light therapy this stimulates our immune system

5, sungazing or being exposed to natural sun light, not only lifts your mood its also important for our immune system

6, activated charcoal, zeolite clay or chlorella to flush out heavy metals

7, Ionic Foot Detox helps reduce positive ions which can harm our health and draws out toxins and waste of the body

8, turn off phone or other devices at night especially if using wifi, too much EMF can harm our health

9, ground yourself either by walking in nature, doing gardening, meditating or breathwork

10, sound healing to raise your vibration

11, use crystals or get a healing

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