Energy Healing Courses

Kundalini Reiki
$222 in Person or Zoom
$111 Distance only or do level 1-3 for $155
includes levels 1-9 including Master and booster levels
The Kundalini energy amplifies and strengthens the energy channels. An awakened Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the body parts and the energy channels is achieved which in turn will strengthen and enhance the healing ability of the person.
More Benefits:
enhances your distance healings
shorter treatment time
activate hidden gifts and talents
more focus and metal clarity
less stress
more abundance in your life
higher vibration and more energy
This Reiki system holds several levels inducing the Master level and also includes Location Reiki, Past Life Reiki and DNA Reiki as well as how to program an object.
Pre-requisite is Reiki level 1
Manual and certificate induced
Delivery is in 2 parts:
Level 1-3 in Person, Distance or Zoom
and Levels 4-9 distance only

Energy Clearing & Balancing
$277 in person or online
You will learn how to clear and balance energetic and emotional distortions and blocks that are affecting your physical health and
wellbeing and your life in general.
Using Charts you will learn how to work on emotions, meridians,
chakras, curses, miasms, trauma/wounds, fears/phobias, self
sabotage etc. this includes using different resources like crystals,
flower essences etc.
This course will deepen you intuition and connection to your
Prerequisite: Master Dowsing Level 1 - info in Mini Workshops

New Eart​h Energy Release & Reconnect Healing System
New Earth energy is here. This is my own intuitive healing system I channelled in 2022.
You will learn how to listen to the body and flow with the energy in order to release and transform old energy, beliefs, emotions, traumas, anything that is held in the body.
Learn how to raise your awareness by raising your vibration.
Reconnects body to innate healing ability.

Akashic Records Reading and Healing
$222 online or in person
Learn how to access your Akashic Records and how to heal
issues that are holding you back or can be resolved at this time.
You can also find out your hidden gifts or talents if you are on
the quest of your life purpose.
You will also learn how to hold Akashic Record Readings for
Certificate and Manual provided

Crystal Chakra Balancing
$225 IICT accredited
Learn how to use selected Crystal to balance Chakras.
Learn about different Crystals and how to include them into
your healing session.
not available atm

Unicorn Energy Healing
The Unicorns Energy Healing is infused with the purity, love,
gentleness and innocence of the Unicorns.
You will learn how the Unicorns are helping us today and how
their high vibration releases negative energy, toxins, emotions
and karma.You will be attuned to this Energy to use for yourself
or for others.
No prerequisites required, but knowledge of other healing
modalities like Reiki are helpful.
this course is also available online

Violet Flame Reiki
$77 online or in Person $155
Violet Flame Reiki has been channelled by Ivy Moore. The Violet Flame has been used in Atlantis and has now been released for us o use to transmute negative energies and emotions, release karma and heal everyday situations and feelings.
Includes Certificate, Manual, Atunements, 40 Symbols and
Prerequisite: Reiki level II

Reiki Workshops
Learn the USUI method of natural healing. Reiki is a wonderful transformational energy that allows us to harmonize our body and
heal ourselves.
Great for better health, improved immune function, personal growth, inner peace, clarity of mind, spiritual growth, deeper connection to your intuition and spirit guides, improved sleep, enhanced energy levels, pain relief, reduced stress etc.
Reiki level I
no prerequisite
Reiki level II
3 months after Reiki level I
attendance of at least 1 healing circle in person or via zoom
1 client testimonial
Reiki level III
1 year after Reiki level II
attendance of at least 2 healing circles in person or via zoom
3 client testimonials
Reiki level IV - Teacher Training
hold Reiki level III
Reiki Levels II and Master/Teacher are IICT approved

Reiki Level I Online
Comes with Manual, Video Tutorials, Distance Atunement, Certificate
Reiki Level I in Person or via Zoom
Learn how to channel this healing energy and how to use its benefits
for yourself and others, including animals and plants.
Includes Reiki History, Benefits and its many uses.
Reiki Level II in Person or via Zoom
Learn the sacred symbols and enhance your healing energy.
Learn how to give a healing over a distance or cleanse a room from negative energy.

Reiki Master & Teacher Level
Reiki Master level III $555
Teacher Level/Apprenticeship $777
together $1111 if prepaid
Payment Plan available
Complete your spiritual journey.
Become a Reiki Master and Teacher for others.
Reiki Master is 8 hrs in person or via Zoom
Teacher level is 12 sessions over a 3 month period of learning how to teach others, perform atunements and hold Reiki circles.
IICT members please note: in order to meet the IICT requirements you have to attend both the 8 hr class and the 3 months apprenticeship.