If you are experiencing digestive upsets at the moment it is no wonder stress can affect our digestive system before reaching for those anti acids why not try some Acupressure points.
Find one or 2 points that help and hold them several times a day, s they are so many organs involved I find using them all from top to bottom is more beneficial
Acu Points for Digestive Issues:
SP16 Abdominal Source
Location: below the ribcage about 1 finger width inside the nipple line, press
slightly upwards
Benefits: Indigestion, Ulcer pain, gas, belching, hiccups, side stitches, appetite issues, Liver & Gallbladder issues, insomnia, irritability
ST25 Celestial or Heavenly Point
Location: 2-3 finger widths beside the belly button – press in deep
Benefit: acute and chronic abdominal issues, distension, pain, diarrhea,
Gastroenteritis, constipation, nausea, vomiting
SP12/13 Rushing Door
Location: in the groin just next to the hip bone – using 3 fingers hold lightly
Benefits: Pelvic Tension, Groin pain, menstrual pain & cramps, indigestion bloating, stomach discomfort, cold feet, frustration, opens up energy flow from top to bottom
Li 3 Supreme Rushing
Location: one thumb width down between first and second toe
Benefits: balances Liver meridian, headaches, antispasmodic – muscle cramps, detox, arthritis, toe pain, fever
GB41 Above Tears
Location: one thumbs width down between 4th and 5th toe
Benefits: general pain relief, headaches, migraines, shoulder tension, sciatica, phantom pain
PE6 Inner Gate
Location: 2-3 fingers width from wrist grease inside arm, between the tendons, bones
Benefits: balances inner and outer self, calms, nausea, diarrhea, stomach ache, motion sickness, morning sickness, emotional upsets, epilepsy
As always stay safea and calm
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