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How to stay SAFE and CALM in a crazy world, cont. Bachflower Essences, part 4 DEPRESSION


This post will talk about what Bach flowers are helpful if you are depressed.

In Part 1 I wrote about the Rescue Remedy which is a go to remedy for stress, shock, injury, panic etc. in part 2 I wrote about some specific Bach Flowers that can be helpful during this crisis we are experiencing and part 3 spoke about Bach Flowers for fear specifically. If you want to read up on the other posts they are all in my blog.

If you don't have access to Bach flowers put a few drops of Cinnamon leaf aroma oil on the sole of your feet it will uplift your mood and don't forget to talk to someone!

Bach flowers for Depression:

Gentian: for despondency due to disappointment, discouraged, disheartened and disillusioned, depression of known origin, does not trust they will succeed brings back a positive attitude and resilience in the times of set backs and disappointments

Gorse: utter hopelessness and despair, feels they reached the end of the line, everything is/feels dark brings back hope and light, makes life worth living

Sweet Chestnut: reached the end of the line, wishes to die, utter mental anguish and despair, person in crisis situation restores dignity, strength and self assurance, brings back hope

Mustard: depression of unknown origin, dark mood, no joy in life, helps connect to inner self and healing, dispels feelings of gloom and doom

Wild Oat: sees no purpose, lack of direction, feelings of not belonging, indecisiveness, never content always searching.... gives new purpose, enables person to move forward

Star of Bethlehem: shock and trauma brings person back into their body and aligns body and mind to work together

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